Industrial& commercial solution

  • Q:

    Why do we use LFP battery only?


    LISHEN HESS only uses Lithium Iron Phosphate cells because these are much safer than the lithium batteries used in cars, for example. The chemical composition of the battery cells makes overheating due to so-called thermal runaway virtually impossible. This makes the cells safe and non-flammable even in extreme conditions. Lithium Iron Phosphate cells also have a very good life span. They are slightly heavier and less compact, but this is usually not a problem in a domestic situation. One more advantage is that the Lithium Iron Phosphate cells do not contain any cobalt, and they are true cobalt-free batteries, which is more economic and environment friendly. 

  • Q:

    Can battery storage help keep the power on during blackouts?


    Yes, storage can contribute to local energy security and energy resilience, especially when the batteries are paired with local power source on a community microgrid. A microgrid is a small network of customers with a local source of electricity that can be disconnected from the grid and operated independently.

    During and after natural disasters and extreme weather events, all of which are becoming more frequent with climate change, battery storage can help keep essential services running and protect the most vulnerable populations as part of a community-driven climate resilience plan. When thinking about community resilience, it can be advantageous for critical infrastructure—such as police and fire stations, hospitals, cooling centers, and emergency shelters—to have rooftop solar panels and battery storage systems on site to keep the power on during an emergency.

  • Q:

    Why invest in battery storage?


    Battery storage enables greater self-consumption of renewable energy from sources that are variable, such as solar power. Businesses that face difficulties in the reliability or capacity of their electricity supply can reap benefits from battery storage. Battery storage can also save on power costs by reducing the need to purchase electricity at times when it is most expensive.

  • Q:

    What is the difference between residential and commercial energy storage?



    The size of residential solar is normally smaller than commercial solar. Residential solar projects usually involved 15 to 20 panels, ranging from 1 to 10 kilowatts. Whereas, commercial solar projects usually need an average of 400 solar panels. If the project is expected to provide 10 to 100 kilowatts, then it is considered as a medium commercial. If it goes over 100 kilowatts, it is a large commercial project. 

    Residential solar panels are typically less efficient than commercial ones. Because commercial panels are larger and heavier, residential households may not have enough space to install these larger panels. However, if you have a large backyard or a big roof, you may consider using commercial panels to increase efficiency.

    -Installation Process-

    Since the scale of commercial solar projects is larger than residential ones, it requires more time and effort on investing in solar power. In commercial projects, engineers need to examine the facility to design the arrangement of solar panels. Moreover, the design also needs to get approved by the facility manager, business owner, landlord, and even the government. Because commercial projects are usually large investment, business owners are looking at long-term benefits and expecting a return on investment after a few years. It requires solar engineers to calculate the efficiency of the project to maximize profits.

    However, residential projects are much easier. The construction team only needs to get approval by the house owner and the installation time is usually much shorter than commercial construction. 


    As mentioned above, residential panels may not be as efficient as commercial panels. Even though residential solar panels produce less electricity, they are cheaper than commercial ones. This will bring down the installation costs, making solar energy more accessible for normal households. 

  • Q:

    Why is energy storage system useful on a grid scale?


    Energy storage is needed on an industrial or grid scale for three main reasons. The first is to “balance load” – to shift energy consumption into the future, often by several hours – so that more existing generating capacity is used efficiently. The second reason is to “bridge” power – in other words, to ensure there is no break in service during the seconds-to-minutes required to switch from one power generation source to another. Finally, power quality management – the control of voltage and frequency to avoid damaging sensitive equipment – is an increasing concern that storage can alleviate whenever needed, for a few seconds or less, many times each day.